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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Lincoln rebranded as "Lincoln Motor Company" in bid to boost awareness - Recent Cars News

Lincoln rebranded as
Much like its display in LA, the new ad campaign is designed to remind shoppers that Lincoln was once a highly-revered luxury brand. The new campaign is titled "Introducing the Lincoln Motor Company," a nod to the lengthy brand name Lincoln wore when it was first acquired by Ford Motor Company from founder Henry Leland in 1922.

Lincoln will highlight its new MKZ and MKZ Hybrid models in the campaign, which provacatively acknowledges that Lincoln needed took its "foot off of the accelerator pedal," as Ford heir and board member Edsel Ford II told viewers during CBS' Sunday Morning yesterday.

The automaker says that ads themed as either "Does the World Need Another Luxury Car?" and "Hello. Again." will debut today both online and in daily print publications. A TV campaign including a Super Bowl ad will follow.

The ads aim to argue that there is room for another luxury car brand in a market that has grown significantly since Lincoln was last a major retail market player.
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Source: Leftlanenews


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