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Saturday, December 22, 2012

C/D Tests 1400HP AMS Performance Alpha 12 Nissan GT-R - Latest Cars Wallpapers

AMS Performance Alpha 12 Nissan GT-R is a 1,400 horsepower monster. Car and Driver checks out the souped-up supercar killer at Willow Springs Raceway. Nissan GT-R drivers who deem their 545-horsepower V6 turbo too docile have plenty of tuners to choose from that will gladly enhance their rides' performance. None, however, reach the levels achieved by AMS Performance, as Car and Driver discovers in its latest episode of Tested. Setting the benchmark in modifying Godzillas, the US tuner has created some of the fastest GT-Rs in the world, with its top-of-the-line Alpha 12 kit recently helping a GT-R to hit the quarter mile in an eye-watering 8.6263 seconds. Car and Driver's Basem Wasef took one such Alpha 12 GT-R to the Willow Springs Raceway to experience the thrill of handling its monstrous engine, and to see how the 1,400-hp brute, renowned for its straight-line performance, would fare around a twisty track.

Source: Carbuzz


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